A Warning for the Nation

I heard Jesus say, “This nation is built on sinking sand. They think that they have built it on a rock, referring to Me, but it is built on sinking sand. The people of this nation have the notion in their minds that they should be blessed and have been blessed because they have said My name at Thanksgiving once, that they have declared this nation to be founded on Me, but that is not enough.

If this is truly My nation, these people need to wake up. Open their eyes and repent. I am a jealous God. I will not be taken advantage of. I will not be kept held in a box for when I am deemed necessary to be brought out. I am not an added bonus. I am the I Am, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. I require full surrender.

The thing that is holding back the nation, the people, and you is yourselves. You are the only one who can keep you away from me. Selfishness, self-love, selfish pleasures are a stronghold over this nation. You are constantly trying to please a god. A god who fills you up. A god who sustains what you want and what you desire, and what feels good to you. This god is a lie. You are pleasing the god of yourself. You are your own god. I will tear down the altar you built for yourself. The altar to worship yourself. As hard and as much as you try, this god will never fulfill you, never sustain you, and never be good enough for you. "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6) Come to me. Turn around. That’s all it takes; you to completely, 180 degrees, turn around and fall at My feet. I am here waiting for you with open arms to welcome you in as My child. It’s not too late yet.”

Then I heard Him say, “Sensory. I am opening My children’s sensory muscles. I am strengthening and warming them up. They are going to feel Me in new ways than they ever have before. They are going to hear Me in new ways than they ever have before. They are going to see Me in new ways than they ever have before.

The ice that was once there is melting away in order for them to feel, see and know that I am with them. The muscles that maybe once were active in their lives are going to be firing up again. They are going to be reignited by the flame of the Holy Spirit that is inside of them.

For those who have not yet received My promised gift of the Holy Spirit, step out. Step out and prepare to receive Me. Let those, who you know are a few steps ahead of you, teach you, lead you, and pray over you to receive My promised gift.

Do not miss this outpouring that is taking place NOW. Do not miss it. Do not draw back in fear. Do not draw back in insecurity. Do not draw back in anxiety. Do not draw back in selfish pride. Do not draw back in previous religious beliefs. Do not draw back from what I have promised to give you. Do not draw back, because you KNOW this is the next step. You know that you are crossing the threshold. You know this will set you apart. Be set apart for Me, just like I was set apart. “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” (John 15:18-19)


Go Deeper with Me